
Don’t waste another dollar on activities that don’t fit into a larger strategy. We will start with your goals, customize a communications plan to fit your organization, and coach your team to implement it.

A successful strategy starts with articulating the large scale change you envision and working backwards from there. Adamec Communications works closely with your team to ensure that every dollar, every second, and every ounce of energy you invest in communications has purpose and can be connected back to your mission and vision. Strategies are customized to fit your organization’s size, capacity, and strengths. We will sequence implementation so not to overwhelm and we will offer unique insights based on the experience we bring having worked across the social impact space.


Planning Work

  • A community foundation asked Adamec Communications to assess its need for internal communications staff, develop a job description and core competencies, and eliminate the one-off, feel-good tactics that were wasting valuable time and money.
  • A regional trade organization asked Adamec Communications to help them develop a communications strategy to align with their new strategic plan.
  • A technical assistance provider asked Adamec Communications to work with their clients who were strategizing ways to reform their local school system. We helped them develop the community engagement plan to ensure residents felt ownership and did not resist the change.




Identity Map:  Vision, Mission, Partners, Outcome Challenges, Progress Markers, Strategies, Tactics. Each of these must be aligned with the others or your communications strategy is little more than a collection of misaligned activities.

Communications Audit:  We will take a look at your current communications strategies and tactics with fresh perspective, ensure everything you invest time and energy into can map appropriately back to your larger vision and mission, and work closely with your team to make sure you are capitalizing on the latest tools and techniques to maximize efficiency.

Communications Strategy:  We have helped clients develop communications strategies to launch new initiatives, align staff and stakeholders around common messaging, transform an organization’s executive into a thought leader, shift the public narrative on a given issue, and gather stories from the field to share through various channels.


"Shaun has been a tremendous asset for all our communication needs. We count on Shaun for his incredibly smart, strategic messaging and his unparalleled responsiveness and adaptability."

Josh Charpentier

Co-Founder, Map Academy